BizKasi App

by BizKasi App


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Are you a small business owner?Do you want more potential customers to be able to find your business?
Are you a consumer looking for products and services around you ?
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, you have come to the right place!
BizKasi App is a fresh new App that is connecting small businesses with consumers and vice versa. Consumers search for any business by type and can then, from the App, call the business, send an e-mail, find location (GPS) and more about that business.
BizKasi App is especially helpful for small businesses which don't have a big marketing budget at least as a first step in establishing market presence.
Businesses can register with us for as little as R120 per year; that's R10 a month to increase your business' visibility and by extension, your profits.
Businesses can:
- Register and be found easily
- Advertise on the App (fee applicable)
- Receive business services to help them formalise their businesses (fee applicable).
Users have access to:
- Business articles
- Business Events Calendar
- We also have a Classifieds section for short term adverts.
We cater for all business types like:
- Electricians
- Plumbers
- Handymen
- Seamstresses
- Gardeners
- Car Washes
- Bakeries
- Caterers
- Barbershops
- Hair Saloons
- Food Outlets
- Welders
- Builders
- Mechanics
- Tuck Shops
- Internet Cafés
- Domestic Help
- Shoe Repairs
- Tent Hires
- All other businesses.